Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache

The problems most people face are lagging of Windows and getting stuck also known as screen freeze. Every person faces different problems using Windows when running on low specs computer. Mostly this problem occurs when the user runs more than one app on his PC. One of the many problems is Icon Cache. It is not related to hardware but it is a problem of software. many users treat it as a hardware problem and so find the solutions as such. To solve this problem one must find a solution to the problem in a software which is causing this problem.
Microsoft revolutionized this era for computers and is still advancing in technology. Microsoft started with Windows 7 then 8 and lastly 10. These operating systems are coolest and has all the new tech inside them. Although all of these versions of Windows are developed to run on any kind of PC, even the ones with low specs. However, some people then face problems regarding the performance of Windows.

Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache

What is Icon Cache?

You must be thinking what Icon Cache is? It is almost similar to thumbnail cache. Thumbnail cache provides the user with thumbnails faster when it passes the command to the CPU. Same as thumbnail cache is Icon Cache. It helps user to get the icon faster when viewed by the user. It saves an image of the icons in the temporary memory of your PC and whenever you open up a windows with any kind of icons, your CPU presents you with that image so that you may see all the icons at their place without any delay. When the icons are shown from the Icon Cache user can do whatever he wants on his PC. And he may never find any difference.

Enter the following command on a Windows 10 PC to instantly clear icon cache. Ie4uinit.exe -show If you have any other version of Windows installed, type the following command to clear icon cache. How to rebuild Icon Cache in Windows 10: Icon cache is a storage location where the icons that are used by your Windows documents and programs are stored for faster access rather than load them every time they are needed. When there is a problem with the icons on your computer rebuilding or fixing the icon cache will definitely fix the problem. The icon at that path definitely exists. However even though my icon is pinned for it doesn't take. I'm guessing I have to refresh the IconCache.db can you please recommend a way to do this with win api? Without restarting computer or program or logging off computer please is my hope. Method 1 (Recommended) - Rebuild Icon Cache in Windows 10 Using a BAT File This is the fully automatic way to rebuild the icon cache in Windows 10. Step 1: Download the BAT File Download Rebuild Icon Cache.bat from the link below first.

What will happen if Icon Cache is low?

Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache

Now we know what Icon Cache is and how important it is for the smooth function of our PC. Mostly all the PCs running Windows have an Icon Cache of 2 MB. This memory is divided to show you your icons at different locations of your computer. Although it is a good amount of memory for some icons but when you open a window with a lot of icons it may take some time to load all of them, or it may not even load properly. None of the Windows users want their Windows to lag or work slowly.
So if you want to increase the speed of your computer to open your icons faster, when you open a window, you need to increase the Icon Cache. The solution provided in this tutorial will work on any of the versions of Windows, whether Windows 7, 8 or 10. This solution will help you in increasing your Icon Cache.

How to increase Icon Cache in Windows

It is not very difficult to perform this tutorial of increasing Icon Cache in Windows. It does not matter what version of Windows you are using; you just need to follow the steps below to increase the Icon Cache in Windows. This tutorial will not only teach you how to increase the Icon Cache on your PC, it will also make you learn how to alter it in any way.
Just follow the steps below to get your work done.

Windows 10 Rebuild Icon Cache

Windows 10 Clear Icon Cache

  1. First of all, you need to open Run program, for this you may use keyboard shortcut keys WIN + R, or you can go to Start Menu to open Run program.
  2. After opening the run program, you need to type regedit in the blank space and press Enter on your keyboard or press ok from your mouse.
  3. Now you need to navigate through the following path given below

When you open the option of Explorer by following the path, now you need to create a string to do that you need to follow the steps below.

  • Right click on any of the empty space on the Registry editor in the Explorer window.
  • Select the option of New and then String Value in the menu
  • Name this String as Max Cached Icons
  • Double click on the string you created by the name of Max Cached Icons
  • Now modify the value in the box and write 4096 or 4 MB.

That’s the whole procedure, now you will experience the faster speed of your icons to open in your Windows. You can further increase the value in your created string or ca lower it down at your own pleasure.

Rebuild Icon Cache in Windows 10, Windows 8/7

If you do not experience your windows loading your icons faster than before or it is the same as before. It is better to rebuild Icon Cache in Windows. To rebuild the Icon Cache, you just need to do few steps.

  1. Open Command prompt from your Start Menu or through Keyboard shortcut keys
  2. Enter the following text in the Command Prompt

That’s it, now you’ve rebuilt the Icon Cache successfully. This will solve your problem of Icons appearing slow on your windows.


If one or more of your icons are not displaying correctly, or that your icon cache is corrupted, then you might consider rebuilding the icon cache to reset and reload the icon images into the icon cache. The Icon Cache or IconCache.db is a special database file that Windows utilizes to keep copies of each icon handy

Having to retrieve all possible icon images from hard disk and to render them dynamically can consume lots of system resources. As a result, Windows save icons it’s already retrieved in its memory. When Windows needs to draw an icon, it uses the copy from the cache instead of retrieving the icon image from the original application file. This helps in making Windows draw the icons faster.

Windows 10 Rebuild Desktop Icon Cache

Rebuild Shell Icon Cache is a Portable freeware and have ability to Refresh the Windows’s icon cache. Usage of the Application is quite simple, just double click on it that’s all. You can use Rebuild Shell Icon Cache with Command Prompt here are the supported parameters

Windows 10 Clear Start Menu Icon Cache

Supported operating systems: Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)

Updated : October 15, 2019
File: ReIconCache_x64.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 54c8696fd59174bc1c234c9caf50db1e
SHA1: 3cb2713fd7842231a496e1629e61bbe4c428dc4f

Windows 10 Clear Icon Cache

Updated : October 15, 2019
File: ReIconCache.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 12a1e66ed6be57d9fb53705d177abb62
SHA1: 42f0c970e1e3fea6fb17a30ec0ab09208297e7eb

Windows 10 Rebuild Thumbnail Cache