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Register for a free account to gain full access Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi PC Download to the VGChartz Network and join our thriving community. Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi jumps into the Dragon Ball universe with fresh out of the box new substance and gameplay, and a thorough character line up. It has dependable manga-style representation, absolutely destructible combat zones, and refined controls intended to convey the experience closer to the exceptionally acclaimed Budokai Tenkaichi arrangement.
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The GeForce 8800GT may no longer be Nvidia’s top of the line graphics card but it’s arguably the best card they’ve ever made and it’s still relevant, it will handle even newer games like Call of Duty: World at War, Crysis, Age of Conan and the upcoming Aion: Tower of Eternity from NCsoft with relative ease at conservative resolutions, just stick to 720p (1280×720 pixels) and you should be fine.
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Monitor – if you are limited to 17” or 19” monitor, you will play in low-medium resolutions and do not need to spend too much on PC. If you have 20” or 22” monitor then you will want to play at 1680×1050 resolution, and it will put some stress on your computer, make sure that you select at least GT 240 video card to be comfortable at this resolution.